Monday, June 18, 2012

For my Father... was Father's Day yesterday. And I was able to connect with my Dad (and Mom) for about two hours this morning on Skype. Oh man did we have fun :) But what stuck with me the most from this conversation was that as my Dad was heading off to bed (poor guy, I kept him up until 11pm!) he quick leaned his head back into the video frame so that I could just see his shiny bald head, and said to me "Meghann, when I think of you its with sweetness, each time".

My friend Natalie wrote a beautiful poem to her dad, in which she says,

"thanks for being the one
i call

want to know something?
i didn't choose you.
and quite honestly you didn't
exactly choose me either.

but Dad, here's the thing.
you've chosen me
each and everyday 
of my life.

and i know
beyond a shadow of a doubt
that you'll choose me
again tomorrow & the next day
and for as many days
as we have to come... 

and that.
that has made 
all the difference."

Tom Burton, I believe the most important role a Father can have is to point his children to Christ. And oh Dad, you have done that every day of the past twenty-four years of my life. Even though I am a "grown woman" living half a world away and trying to find my place in God's redemption story, I still learn of our King's grace and unconditional love through you. Because like Nat's poem says, after everything, I know you'll still choose me tomorrow, and the day after, and the day long as God puts breath in your lungs.

And that. will continue to make...all the difference.

I love you.