Monday, February 13, 2012


It has been just over a month of readjustment to the sprawl of narrow, dusty alleys, the constant hum of construction projects, the honking, dogs, and the collage of colorful Hindu shrines and pagodas.  The familiarity of the Kdu Valley, even after having been away for five weeks, was a comfort in itself.  But what truly warmed my heart was the instant presence of good friends and "family"; their bright smiles, cheerful countenance as we hobble around in the dark (power cuts!) wearing at least eight layers of clothing, laughing together again.  I love how God has created this tiny pocket of joy and comfort in a city that is so dark, physically and spiritually.  I am not saying that we are always happy, cheerful, and resilient as we go about our daily lives here, but there is definite God-given tenacity to choose to see the humor and joy of living in a place such as this.  Yes its cold, but it just gives you an excuse to spend more time huddled with friends on the couch, drinking hot tea and attempting to solve all the world's problems, since our personal problems are just too complicated ;)  I know I sound like a broken record, but fellowship and community are so vital in an environment that can be so uncomfortable and hostile.  Praise God for His provision to His people in Kathmandu!

On a different note, some new exciting things are happening professionally for me:  as I recapped my last year working here in Kdu, I felt dissatisfied with my professional performance, and felt that I had not been as creative and ambitious in discovering more effective ways to serve.  But God is good, and within two weeks of my return to Nepal sent the Vice President of my organization, my boss (who is based in Manila), and a Professional Advisor, all of whom were keen to speak with me about my future here.  I don't want to give away too much at this time, especially since I am in the very beginning stages of working through all of this, but I am so thankful that as I am processing my presence here in Nepal, our Lord so kindly provides guidance, a mentor, and a series of conversations to "get the ball rolling".  Please pray that God uses these next few months to really solidify in my heart the areas in which He would wish to have me grow and serve in.

And as all of the above goes on, I am also working on planning our annual work conference, hiring/training new Nepali staff for our office, and starting preparations for a second English Language Learning camp for April.  It's good to be busy again! :)

Thank you, friends and family, for all your prayers and support from afar over this last month as I have readjusted to my second home.  They are deeply appreciated.

I just love this picture....went for a 4 hour bike ride outside the Kdu city limits with a friend, and she snapped this shot as we descended back into the chaos of the city.  If you can't tell, I am wearing a mask of sorts over my mouth and nose!