Tuesday, November 23, 2010

And the excitement keeps building....!

Hello everyone!

There is much to update you on: first, I am only $75 short per month before I reach 100% full funding…HALLELUJAH!  A heartfelt thanks again to each of you who have agreed to partner with me on this journey, both financially and through prayer.

Second, I have recently been informed that all translation work in the country I am headed to has been classified as “sensitive”, meaning that I have to be careful in what I reveal via internet about where and with whom I will be serving.  Thus, from now on I will much more vague about the specifics of where I’ll be and what I’ll be doing.

This past week I was in Orlando Florida for an orientation and training at HQ.  It was amazing: meeting all the different people who serve with WA and hearing their stories was so inspiring and rejuvenating…all I can say is that if I wasn’t excited to leave before I went to FL (hah yeah right) and am ECSTATIC about going abroad and joining this amazing work of communicating the Gospel in the heart language of the many different people groups in South Asia.  In the area I will be serving, there are 128 different living languages – incredible! 89 of these languages have yet to have any portion of the Word in their heart language, while a mere 11 languages have the Word in its entirety.  We have our work cut out for us, yes?

All in all, it was a fantastic week of balmy weather (80 degrees and sun all week!) and learning about all of the great work WA is doing, and that I will be a part of come February.  If you would like more details about some of the amazing things I learned/discovered while there, please shoot me an email or give me a call (contact info is at the bottom of this page).

“And they sang a new song, saying “Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.  You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; they will reign upon the earth.”
-Revelations 5:8-10

My contact information while still in the U.S.:
Phone: 320-295-1413